The GATEWAY program was developed for the US Government to train psychic abilities. While no direct connection to the GATE programs has so far been found, the correlation of the names and the times they were in use and development has led many to speculate about a potential connection. Nothing substantial has been found, but many who have been involved in GATE have, since become aware, or interested in the GATEWAY Program and its training process. Some have used it to positive results.
The GATEWAY Program completed, but the training system continues with the Monroe Institute, a descendent of SRI, who initially developed the process. They charge about $1,120.00 for an 8 week course. The audio from this training and associated written documents have long been available online from various sources of dubious legality.
The GATEWAY Process consists of guided meditation accompanied by relaxing soundscapes and different sounds sent to each ear, in order to more effectively induce altered states of consciousness. The tapes/CDs/lessons offer a progressive system of meditations which have had profound effects on many who have gone through them all.
Here is Bob Monroe, the key developer of the process talking about what it is: